Heino Frank Busch, Jr.
Class of 1942
Served in
World War II

Staff Sergeant
Heino Frank Busch, Jr.
491st Armored Field Artillery Battalion
11th Armored Division
Eagle River, WI
Date of Birth
Location of Death
Date of Death
Location of Burial
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, Plombières, Belgium
More About Staff Sergeant Busch
Staff Sergeant Heino Franz Busch Jr. enlisted into the US Army on May 5, 1942, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After his training, he was sent to Europe where he served as a Staff Sergeant with Battery B, 491st Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 11th Armored Division during their breakthrough of German defenses. While making an advance on the Rhine, near the Prüm River, S/Sgt Busch was killed by a landmine on March 2, 1945. He is buried at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial in Belgium.