Second Lieutenant Kenneth Raymond Cady | UW Gold Star Honor Roll
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Kenneth Raymond Cady

Graduating Class of 1934
Served in World War II

Second Lieutenant
Kenneth Raymond Cady

2nd Armored Division
66th Armored Regiment
Company E


Kenosha, WI

Date of Birth

Location of Death


Date of Death

Location of Burial

Chippiannock Cemetery, Rock Island, IL

More About Second Lieutenant Cady

Kenneth Raymond Cady enlisted into the US Army on May 25, 1942. He trained at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Cady was a talented musician. He became quite popular for his prowess as a pianist, organist, and baritone. Cady was known to play shows for the other men in the service and was eventually offered a position in the Special Services, the military's entertainment branch. He refused this, however, saying, "I can't see myself going through this man's war singing baritone." He was selected for Officer Candidate School and commissioned in February 1944. He became an instructor and returned to Fort Knox to teach Military Science. This didn't sit well with Cady who preferred to be "just an average G.I.," so he put in a transfer for a combat unit and was assigned to the 66th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division. He went overseas to France in October 1944. His first action was at Normandy, where he found a stray dog he took in. Cady named the dog "G.I." and said, "If we both come through this, I'll bring G.I. home." On Jan. 2, 1945, he was in Belgium when his helmet was struck by shrapnel from an artillery shell. The helmet saved his life, giving him only a bad headache. A week later, on Jan. 9, the tank ahead of Lieutenant Cady's was struck by a German shell. Cady and his crew leaped out of the safety of their own tank, rescuing the men in the flaming tank. As they dragged the wounded men to safety, Cady was wounded by another German shell. Lieutenant Cady selflessly gave up his position in the tank to a man who was more grievously wounded and walked back to Allied lines for medical treatment. After a month in an Army hospital, Cady returned to his unit. He emblazoned "Miss Kenosha" on the side of his tank in homage to his hometown. Sadly, on Easter Sunday in 1945, Cady was killed in action. For his actions on this day, Lieutenant Cady was posthumously awarded the Silver Star, the US Military's 3rd highest award for valor in combat. His citation reads: "In April 1945, Lt. Cady commanded the leading platoon of Company 'E' which advanced along route 'Club' near Augustdorf, Germany. The platoon was held up by a Mark IV tank with infantry which was covering the road. The German tank had an excellent position. Lt. Cady put his tanks in a covered position, dismounted from his own tank and started on a reconnaissance for a covered approach for his tanks. He was aware of German infantry, nevertheless, he worked himself forward to within 100 yards of the German tank when he was killed by the German infantry. Lt. Cady's bold aggressive actions and complete disregard for his own personal safety were a credit to himself and the military service." Lieutenant Kenneth Robert Cady is buried at Chippiannock Cemetery in Rock Island, Illinois.